
读卖新闻 中国靠旅游显示南海诸岛主权





  距海南省约300公里的永兴岛(Yunghsing Island)是帕拉塞尔群岛的主岛。



  中国《工人日报(Workers' Daily)》报道说,2.1平方公里的永兴岛珊瑚环绕,深受海上运动爱好者的欢迎。该岛有一条飞机跑道,两个可以容纳5000吨船的码头。


  《工人日报》援引一位省官员的话说,旅游业可以给帕拉塞尔群岛带来重大的经济好处,而且显示中国对南中国海诸岛的整体主权。(作者 Satoshi Saeki)(原题:中国游客“吞并”帕拉塞尔群岛)

Chinese tourists 'annex' Paracels

Satoshi Saeki / Yomiuri Shimbun Correspondent

Friction between China and Vietnam over the Paracel Islands is likely to increase as China moves to lure well-heeled tourists to the islands in the South China Sea, which are claimed by the two countries.

The Tourist Bureau of the Hainan provincial government, which recently approved a project to develop tourism in the South China Sea Islands, which include the Paracels, has embarked on the expansion of group tour operations.

Meanwhile, Vietnam has already launched its own sightseeing trips to the disputed isles.

China's move to strengthen its effective control over the islands in the name of tourism development is likely to anger Vietnam.

Yunghsing Island, located about 300 kilometers off Hainan Province, is the main island of the Paracels.

China started organized sightseeing tours there several years ago, using both Chinese military and government vessels.

A three-day, four-night tour costs between 4,000 yuan (64,000 yen) and 5,000 yuan (80,000 yen).

According to a major travel agency in Hainan Province, most of the 4,000 or so tourists who have participated in the sightseeing tours in the past two years were well-to-do private entrepreneurs or senior executives of state-owned companies.

According to the Chinese newspaper Workers' Daily, the 2.1-square-kilometer, coral-fringed Yunghsing Island is a popular destination for marine sports enthusiasts.

The island boasts an airstrip and two piers that can accommodate vessels with a capacity of up to 5,000 tons.

The Chinese government apparently believes that boosting tourism in the Paracels will promote the full-scale development of the South China Sea Islands.

Workers' Daily quoted a provincial government official who said tourism would bring about major economic benefits to the Paracels and also signal Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands as a whole.
