
读卖新闻 中国网络妖怪露出牙齿










  同时,在国庆七日假期里,故宫满是游客。在这个季节开始之前,星巴克原址上有一家新的咖啡馆开张了。咖啡再次香飘四邻。但新咖啡馆内部的一条标签说这家店卖传统的中国咖啡。以来自云南省的材料煮成,而且骄傲地列在菜单顶部——排在意大利浓咖啡之上。我问新咖啡馆和星巴克店有什么区别,一位店员不自在地笑了笑,“我们这里用中国的方式做事。”(作者 Hiroyuki Sugiyama)

China's Web 'monster' bares its teeth

Hiroyuki Sugiyama / Yomiuri Shimbun Correspondent

Whenever visiting Beijing's Forbidden City--a UNESCO World Heritage site that represents the glory of the Qing dynasty--I always used to end by popping into the Starbucks that lay within the city's walls.

After tiring myself out exploring the huge historic site, it was nice to enjoy some familiar flavors in the coffee shop that stood in a busy part of the world tourist destination.

But when I visited in July, the Starbucks had gone.

Some self-proclaimed patriots regarded the Starbucks shop in the Forbidden City as a Western invasion of Chinese culture. Others said this was nationalistic, xenophobic prejudice, and a vigorous debate on the question raged over the Internet. The issue was even discussed by the National People's Congress.

Most Chinese try to stay out of politics, however, as they know well how dangerous it can get in this country. So the body managing the Forbidden City compromised by allowing the Starbucks to stay, but saying it was no longer allowed to be independently managed. In response, Starbucks decided to close the branch, deciding that protecting its brand identity was more important than saving that particular store.

Encouraging Starbucks to voluntarily shut down the shop and thus avoiding any political fallout was an expected and normal solution in China.

"I'm happy," said the young TV newscaster who first ignited the debate over the Starbucks shop after the outlet was closed down. But he did not look happy.

He had urged Starbucks to close the coffee shop in the Forbidden City on his blog in January. He felt that China should protect its cultural properties just as Japan has done in Kyoto.

But people jumped on the battle between the body managing the Forbidden City and Starbucks for their own reasons. Many just enjoyed a chance to denounce the United States.

The newscaster was set up as a hero, but he was also heavily criticized as an intolerant nationalist.

Personally, I doubt that closure of the Starbucks outlet has now made him happy, given the way the issue has whipped up a nationalistic storm. The newsreader himself has been buffeted by the angry waves rocking the Internet.

A Chinese intellectual described the xenophobia and nationalism observed in Internet debates on the issue as a "headless monster."

The monster is driven by a flood of emotion and instinct. Sometimes it can affect the real world, not just the Internet.

The Starbucks issue and the anti-Japan rallies in 2005 are among the examples of the monster's influence on the world outside the Internet.

The Chinese communist government pays close attention to movements that can cause socioeconomic instability, such as unauthorized demonstrations and the boycotting of foreign products.

But the government shows little desire to restrict anything that promotes patriotism by portraying China as a victim. Like all authoritarian regimes, Beijing likes to foster patriotism at home by creating a fear of foreign enemies. Concerning the recent pro-democracy demonstrations in Myanmar, some Chinese Web sites have suggested the movement was masterminded by the United States.

Meanwhile, the Forbidden City was filled with tourists throughout the seven consecutive holidays beginning Oct. 1, National Day. Before the season began, a new cafe opened on the site that had been occupied by Starbucks. The aroma of coffee once again wafted through the neighborhood.

But a sign inside the new cafe says the shop sells traditional Chinese coffee. This is brewed with beans from Yunnan Province, and takes pride of place at the top of the menu--above the Italian espresso.

When I asked about difference between the new cafe and the Starbucks shop, a cafe employee, who I believe knew all about the fuss, said with an uneasy smile, "We do things the Chinese way here."
