卫报 中国取代美国成为稳定力量
China’s Economic Puzzle
President Hu Jintao used the opening of China’s Communist Party Congress on Monday to call for China to rethink its economic path. What’s extraordinary is that his country’s leadership has failed to do anything about it before that.
The strains generated by China’s huge investments in export industries are assuming shocking proportions. Unbreathable air and noxious rivers compete for attention with the global damage caused by the enormous consumption of energy and growing carbon emissions. In return, the investments are producing meager job gains. The spending power of Chinese families is lagging far behind economic growth. The no-holds barred development of export industries along the coast, at the expense of the interior, is boosting income inequality to levels rarely seen outside of Africa.
China’s colossal trade surplus, $186 billion in the first nine months of 2007, is a diplomatic nightmare. The policy of supporting exports with an undervalued currency is fueling pressure in the United States Congress for punitive tariffs on Chinese imports.
If this were not enough to alarm the leadership in Beijing, its foreign exchange policy also threatens to become a financial disaster. The central bank is amassing $20 billion to $30 billion in dollar reserves each month to keep a lid on the yuan. The cache now probably tops $1 trillion. The inevitable day when the yuan is allowed to increase in value will see an enormous investment loss.
Beijing must ease the emphasis on manufacturing exports and do more to expand domestic consumption. To start, it could spend a much larger share of its revenues on the threadbare systems of public health, education and pensions. The lack of an effective social safety net, which encourages the Chinese to save to the hilt, is one of the reasons China’s share of consumer spending is among the lowest in the world.
Perhaps most important, Beijing must also change the way it pegs the value of the yuan to the value of the dollar. That not only pumps up the trade surplus, but it also requires interest rates to remain low to avoid pulling more money into the country and putting upward pressure on the currency.
Low interest rates have fed the humongous investment in export facilities, which boosts energy-guzzling industries like steel and construction but produces few jobs. Employment in China is growing by only 1 percent a year.
Freeing the exchange rate for the yuan would help rein in investment and channel it into light industry and services, which are more labor intensive and should put less stress on the environment. Rising interest rates would also boost household income. Together, they would contribute to consumer spending.
The Chinese leadership realized the need to “re-balance” growth in 2004. They have taken some small steps, including modest increases in health spending and tax cuts, but they have been too timid to push hard toward a new strategy. At the local level, export growth remains the only real objective.
Beijing must realize that China’s stability depends on the deft management of the transition from booming export-led growth to broadly based economic development that is less damaging to the environment and more widely shared. In this country, lawmakers who would punish China need to understand that they are merely fostering Chinese resentment and making it easier for special interests to resist reform by waving the flag. Chest-thumping in Washington makes things worse.